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Oct 16, 2013

Using Explicit intent

Sending data from one Activity to another Activity

Today i am using explicit intents to send data from one activity to another . For this i create a new project called Explicit. Then i create new XML file in layout called Second.xml.
As i am sending data from one to another activity . I need to create a new activity for this i go to src and right click it and create new java file(activity)

Creating new java class for new activity

After creating, open and a blank class appears . I need to extend that class by Activity.After extending, i need to right click in between two curly braces then go to Source and then click Override/Implement Methods.

Then a new windows appear. Inside Activity there all a lots of options to be choose but i choose only onCreate(Bundle).

Choosing OnCreate(Bundle)
Now i goto main.xml and drag a button and Edittext in layout.

Dragging Edittext and Button in layout

Now i need to go to main java file and write following code:

final EditText et = (EditText) findViewById(;  //getting id of edittext
Button b1 = (Button) findViewById(; // getting id of button

//when button is clicked this function is called
b1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View arg0) {
Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this , Second.class);
intent.putExtra("thetext", et.getText().toString());

Sending data from first activity using intent

Go to second.xml and i drag a Textview in it where the word send from first activity will be shown.
Now go to and write this codes:


TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(; //getting id of textview
tv.setText(getIntent().getExtras().getString("thetext")); //setting the string in textview 

And i also need to add the second activity in my manifest  and shown in figure.

Adding activity in manifest file

I run my project and it looks like it.

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