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Oct 16, 2013

Alternate layout and Resources

 Creating an Alternate Layout and Resources

Android provides an alternate layouts and resources based upon the devices used.
If we develop any apps in portrait form then it may not look good in landscape mood.
Here i am gonna develop an alternate layout for landscape mood.
Then lets start.
 I create a new project named "Alternate"
Then i go to XML file and drag a button, a textview, togglebutton and a imageview.

Here is portrait view
Layout in Protrait View
When i switch this layout to landscape it looks like this and it is not good.

Layout view in Landscape mode

So i need to create a alternate layout for landscape. For this i create a new directory or folder in res folder
called layout-land.
Then  i create a XML file called activity_main.xml inside it.
Now i drag button ,textview, toggle button and imageview and placed in a suitable format and way.

Alternate Landscape mode

My layout is not good right now but you can do better than this .
I just run my project and it looks like this.For landscape enter ctrl+f11

Potrait View

Landscape View

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